Cyber Attacks on Small Businesses a Growing Concern

Each day we allow ourselves to become more vulnerable to an internet attack, sometimes without even being aware that we are doing so. Smart phones and tablets are making the internet more accessible; you can find almost anything you need right at your fingertips. Take a moment to think about how many times you may have had a customer ask if they can connect to your companies wi-fi, and how many times you may have allowed access without thinking of underlying consequences.

31% of small businesses have said that they would not know what to do if they were to suffer a security breach and a quarter of these admit that they would not know how to recover any of their data. What we find more alarming is that most small businesses are convinced that an attack would never happen to them at all! In fact 82% of businesses polled believe they are too small to be susceptible for an attack.

This runs the gamut from businesses such as hair salons to doctors’ offices. There isn’t a business out there that could not benefit from proper online security, especially when you consider that 68% of these use a wi-fi connection and allow mobile and remote networking.

These are scary statistics in the ever-changing world we live in, however we are the leading source for your IT security needs, staying on top of the competition and always expanding our knowledge in the field. Our team puts every effort possible into exploring new and dangerous security breaches so we know exactly how to handle them with efficiency and cost-effectiveness. When you choose Sun Sign Designs, you are choosing peace of mind so you can focus your energy on building your business not on putting out fires that attackers can cause you.

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